Medicinal Value Of Cardamon Oil

It is known for its ability in reducing spasms as well as neutralizing the side effects associated with chemotherapy. It also helps in reducing nausea. This oil processes powerful qualities such an aphrodisiac, antimicrobial, antiseptic, digestive, astringent, stimulant, stomachic and diuretic substance. Cardamom oil is extracted from cardamom’s seeds. This oil has impressive health benefits which are attributed to its components and qualities.
Main constituents of cardamom oil
Its main components or constituents include the following: terpene, cineol, linalool, heptanone, alpha terpineol, terpineol acetate, cymene, methyl heptenone, heptacosane, neryl acetate and linalyl acetate. Other than being curative in nature, cardamom oil is also used as a mouth freshener.
These are the main benefits of cardamom oil
Used as an antispasmodic this oil if highly effective in preventing and curing respiratory and muscular spasms. It, therefore, acts as a relief for muscle cramps and pulls, whooping cough and asthma.
Antimicrobial and antiseptic
Cardamom oil has potent antimicrobial and antiseptic properties which are safe. You can there add a few drops of water in this oil and use it as a natural mouthwash. It is very effective in disinfecting the oral cavities of all germs as well as eliminating bad breath. Some people also use it for killing germs by adding it to their drinking water. A mild solution of this oil can also be added to bathing water. This helps in disinfecting the hair as well as the skin.
This oil stimulates each and every part of the digestive system. It has a powerful stimulating effect which helps in boosting the spirit when it is subjected to fatigue and depression. Cardamom oil is also used in stimulating the body to secrete the various hormones and enzymes such as gastric juice. It also aids in circulation, peristaltic motion and excretion thereby maintaining the metabolic processes in the body.
Stomachic and digestive
The essential oil obtained from cardamom makes digestive in nature. It plays a key role by stimulating the digestive system thus stimulating it. Its stomachic properties is very helpful in keeping your stomach healthy thus improving its functionality. It also helps in maintaining the production or secretion of acids as well as bile, gastric juices, within the digestive system. Additionally, this oil helps in protecting the stomach against infections.
Other benefits of cardamom oil
Cardamom oil helps in neutralizing the harmful effects associated with tobacco, ingestions caused by mild poisons as well as insect bites. Furthermore, it is used in clearing bowels, removing bad breath and curing colic. It is also used by some people in alleviating the pain of toothaches and healing oral infections.…